Garden of Possibilities (Published in Sew Somerset)

This story begins in October 2010 when on a whim I submitted two Mixed Media hangings to Sew Somerset.  These hangings had not been made specifically for submitting. I had been playing around using artist canvas sheet and garden fleece and when complete they were literally hanging around the home as I had no plans for them. Something surely came over me that day as I packaged them up and sent them on their way to Stampington & co. From then on I never gave them a second thought until fast forward to February of this year when  I received an e-mail from the Editor saying that they wanted to use both hangings in an article and would I be interested in writing the actual article. Now just imagine my shock, here was I, someone who had submitted for the first time to this publication, someone who doesn’t own a proper sewing machine and they are asking for me to write an article, this is what dreams are made of.
Last week my complimentary issue arrived in the mail and you would imagine that it would have sunk in my now but no, still a sense of disbelief.
As I said, there are two hangings in the article but I will only share one of them today. There is no reason why I selected this particular one other than I never tire of this image.
When I photographed the hanging I was pushed for time so no setting up, merely a matter of photographing for my own records. Back in January 2010 I used similar materials in the post “New Chapter“.
My story proves that it is always worth submitting artwork. I am still very new to submitting but have come to the realisation that you just have to go for it as you have absolutely nothing to lose. If someone had told me this time last year that I would submit artwork to Sew Somerset I would have laughed at the notion but to actually submit, on a whim, then to discover that they want the artwork as an article, I would never have believed that to be possible.
The Sew Somerset team photographed the artwork so beautifully giving a slightly ethereal quality to the images which was so perfect as this is what I mention in the article.  It is astonishing to see my art in a publication crammed with notable names such as Nancy Gene Armstrong, Ruth Rae, Glenda Bailey and more. The title of the article is “Garden of Possibilities” but for me it is art that has created possibilities,  possibilities that at one time I wouldn’t have dared to dream would ever be possible. Lynne x

46 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. craftytrog
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 13:35:56

    So beautiful! Congratulations on being published Lynne! x


  2. Robin
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 13:40:26

    Congrats on being published Lynne!


  3. Marjie Kemper
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 13:57:42

    I’m thrilled for you but not surprised at all…. your work is consistently stunning, Lynne. Congratulations!!


  4. Karen McAlpine
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 14:05:23

    Congrats Lynne. Your work is so beautiful. Can’t wait to run up to the local bookstore and check out the article.


  5. Marilyn J. Rock
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 14:30:17

    Congratulations Lynne! So well deserving for this beautiful piece! xxoo


  6. Jack
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 14:47:59

    Just gorgeous and no wonder it was published. Love those cute little pegs.


  7. valerie.Jael
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 15:05:57

    Congrats on getting your wonderful piece published – who could have refused it? Simply gorgeous! Valerie


  8. Trishia Jacobs
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 15:06:44

    Congratulations!!! That’s a John Waterhouse print, isn’t it? Gorgeous indeed. Many layers all brought together for such a soothing, soul-comforting effect. All the more special now that it’s internationally famous and in print with YOUR name!!! Way to go, girl!


  9. Daniella
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 15:10:28

    Congratulations!! You totally deserve this!! You know all of your work is one of a kind amazing!! You are awesome!!


  10. Gisèle
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 15:44:55

    Oh my, you are on a roll my love…I am so proud of you..It must be amazing to see your work in a published magazine besides others you admire and respect…You so deserve it; your work is always so beautiful and magical…I love the ethereal feel of this piece…Keep on dreaming girl…


  11. Eve
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 15:50:40

    Congratulations, Lynn!! Your art work is beautiful!! 🙂


  12. Suze Bain
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 16:00:35

    It’s simply beautiful Lynne, congratulations! (think you might have inspired me to dig out my sewing machine!). xx


  13. Jingle
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 16:01:58

    Wonderful piece! Congratulations!


  14. Katie
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 16:03:32

    Fabulously Beautiful ~ with such wise words! Congratulations you are such a deserving artist!


  15. Willy
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 16:29:47

    This is SUPER, Lynne. Congrats!!


  16. Annette G
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 16:43:47

    Hugest congratulations Lynne, your work is always awesome. Annette x


  17. 2amscrapper
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 17:12:54

    “Sew” happy for you Lynne! You are so worthy to be in the company of the names you mentioned. I love your work and am not surprised in the least bit that you were featured. Congratulations! Helene


  18. Lynn Stevens
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 17:19:19

    Lynne, A huge Congratulations to you for having your art work and article published in Sew Somerset. And your first submission to them at that. It had to be such a thrill!!!! You are amazing.
    hugs Lynn


  19. Kerrie
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 17:47:53

    Congratulations! Very exciting!!


  20. Sue
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 18:07:38

    Lovely work Lynne, well done.


  21. dorthe
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 18:38:54

    Congratulations so much,dear Lynne, so very much deserved…your art is gorgeus, and this piece so very beautiful- I just got this number in my mailbox, –can`t wait to read the article-


  22. Ellen
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 20:04:59

    Congrats Lynne, it is gorgeous! I love this issue and the sheer beauty of it~ I can’t wait to read the article, either! I felt that way as you described when chosen for Somerset Studio Gallery. It feels surreal, but wonderful~ So happy for you!


  23. inspiredbyourworld
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 21:12:03

    Congratulations, Lynne…
    Sue xxx


  24. Rob
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 22:34:54

    How wonderful for you Lynne, congratulations!! It is certainly well deserved, I know that I love getting your blog updates because I know that I am about to see something that I will love…..and that’s what this artistic journey is all about after all.
    Thanks for your visit to my blog and lovely comments, they are much appreciated.

    Love and hugs,


  25. Sharon
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 22:55:33

    Just beautiful!!!! WEll done!


  26. Jan Hennings
    Jun 10, 2011 @ 01:10:54

    wo-hoooooo! Biggest congrats 🙂


  27. Sherry
    Jun 10, 2011 @ 02:04:07

    Congratulations on your Sew Somerset publication. Your canvas hanging is wonderful. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving me a nice comment. Happy creating…


  28. Judy
    Jun 10, 2011 @ 03:11:52

    How awesome is this?!? and isn’t that the way it goes – and what a great project. congrats!


  29. Connie
    Jun 10, 2011 @ 03:44:30

    Congratulations Lynne! I am not surprised you got published and I think many magazines would publish you, you are extremely talented. When I see your work a calm comes over me and I just melt into it. Beautiful.


  30. Marie
    Jun 10, 2011 @ 06:22:55

    Congratulations Lynne!!! So very well deserved – absolutely beautiful.
    Have a wonderful weekend.


  31. Debbie Painter
    Jun 10, 2011 @ 10:52:21

    Wow, Lynne!!! I am so happy for you!! What a well deserved honor! I will have to track this issue down!! Debbie


  32. Daniella
    Jun 10, 2011 @ 12:11:28

    Oh Lynne!! Thank you for your sweetness today on my blog!! YOU are awesome!!
    How are you? Long time no write!!!


  33. Cathy
    Jun 10, 2011 @ 12:26:14

    Congrats Lynne! That’s wonderful news.


  34. Dot Arnott
    Jun 10, 2011 @ 14:19:11

    Sew Somerset knows talent when they see it. Many Congratulations Lynne.



  35. The Sparkly Fairy (Emma)
    Jun 10, 2011 @ 16:01:48

    Congratulations. What an honour and what a beautiful piece!


  36. michelle
    Jun 10, 2011 @ 17:36:24

    Oh Lynne! I am so happy for you! You deserved it so much! Congratulations! your piece is Wonderful!
    And you know what? My mailwoman just brought me an (unexpected) envelope from UK !!! Gee! What a surprise! A Beautiful card made by You. So now your art lives here! Thank you so much!
    May I ask where you got that Québec cancellation postmark! How interesting for a girl who lives there! Thank you so much again!
    Michelle *Ü*


  37. Diane
    Jun 10, 2011 @ 22:12:57

    This is beautiful Lynne and I am so proud of you! Congratulations on being published, you so deserve it!


  38. gerri herbst
    Jun 11, 2011 @ 01:00:07

    dearest Lynne,
    So very special and precious….like all your work. Congrats on being published and writing the article too. You are such a multi talented artist, keep up the good work. I want to see more. Love the music today….is it Adele?
    take care dearie, gerri


  39. Polly
    Jun 11, 2011 @ 13:58:45

    Lynne -I’m sure your lovely pieces in Sew Somerset will garner you many new fans – I’m one of them! Congratulations and thank you for the encouraging words about submitting pieces. Looking forward to more from you in the future and to following you on your blog.


  40. Cindy Adkins
    Jun 11, 2011 @ 14:41:24

    Dear Lynne,
    BIG congratulations on being published in Somerset–this is so wonderful!!! I’m so happy and so proud of you–You are a STAR!!!


  41. Julia - Vintage with Laces
    Jun 13, 2011 @ 13:49:27

    Congratulations, dear Lynne! That’s fantastic and I’m not amazed that your beautiful artwork was chosen.
    Have a lovely afternoon!
    Hugs to you,


  42. dollys daydreams
    Jun 14, 2011 @ 18:42:18

    While I was away was able to read your posts but not able to comment. Glad to be back so I can just say how enormously talented you are and this piece is another confirmation . Congratulations once again superb work.



  43. Penny
    Jun 16, 2011 @ 03:15:03

    It’s never a surprise to me to see your work published – these are gorgeous! Keep acting on your whims 🙂


  44. AJ
    Jun 16, 2011 @ 07:56:01

    Congratulations, Lynne… the piece is beautiful… i’m gonna take your advice on publishing art work.. i haven’t done that yet and i’m gonna go on what you said and see… Thanks for the advice…


  45. Heather
    Jun 19, 2011 @ 13:43:31

    Lynn~ Thanks for the lovely comment on your blog…I sooo appreciate it! I will be running out…and getting this mag…I love all the somerset mags! Congratulations Girl! All of your work is inspirational…and just gorgeous! Hugs! xoxo


  46. kristin Van Valkenburgh
    Mar 08, 2012 @ 04:44:22

    Congratulations!!! That is Wonderful news! I am so happy for you, this is gorgeous, xo


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