A Stroll In The Garden With Jane

Hello Everyone
Thank you for the wonderful response to the Giveaway I posted yesterday.
For this week I have a mix of projects to share, many will be art where I’ve used Oxford Impressions stamps such as this post which features one of the newest Oxford Impressions stamp plates, Jane’s Garden. The good news, if you fall in love with this set but live in the U.K. and do not wish to purchase direct from Oxford Impressions then you can purchase it from That’s Crafty.
It really is a delightful plate consisting of 23 stamps with a Jane Austen theme so it would work well alongside the stamps from the Jane Austen set. However this plate also has a garden theme with stamps depicting flowers, butterflies, bees, a watering can, etc.
My first project is a canvas and my favourite use of a canvas is to flip it over to make use of the wonderful recess. A simple coat of paint  co-ordinated beautifully with the paper I stamped all the images onto (Gecko Galz digital paper).lynnemoncrieffjanesgardenThere are three stamps depicting Jane. This stamp would look stunning if it were to be painted but I chose to stamp all the elements onto the printed digital paper. A ceramic flower is all that adorns this image.
Jane strolls in the garden, clutching some books.  A beautiful day to go and sit in the shade and while away the hours reading. DIGITAL CAMERAI know I sit here repeating myself but it always amazes me how well thought out the Oxford Impressions plates are. This plate has two beautiful quotes.DIGITAL CAMERAThe stamp plate has some beautiful flowers, there is a stunning rose stamp which I will share with you another time where I used it as a background, stamping onto a Gelli Print and there is a lovely smaller stamp of a sprig of flowers and then we have this gorgeous stamp which I stamped three times, gently curving the petals and leaves for dimension. Touches of vintage glass glitter add that wee touch of sparkle and texture. DIGITAL CAMERAA close-up and you can see the butterflies which have decided to settle upon the flowers. DIGITAL CAMERAOf course there had to be a touch of lace so at the bottom of the canvas I added a band of lace prior to layering more stamped images.
Keeping in mind the quote and also that this particular Jane has a bundle of books  in her hands, I decided to include the lovely book stamp. This stamp consists of three books however I wanted more books (in my personal life I can never have enough books surrounding me) so I stamped it three times then added the sweet watering can.
A butterfly alights upon the books.
DIGITAL CAMERAThank You for visiting this post.
I am managing to spend a little bit of time on-line and catching-up with your own art so if I haven’t managed to visit your Blog I will certainly do so soon.

34 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Margie D
    Jul 23, 2013 @ 17:28:47

    That’s amazing Lynne! I just ordered that set from That’s Crafty as I thought it looked beautiful and here you are showcasing it for me. Thanks so much for the inspiration – can’t wait for mine to arrive now. Your canvas is lovely – a really nice arrangement. Margie x


  2. Dorthe
    Jul 23, 2013 @ 17:40:41

    My dear Lynne, you made such amazing use of those gorgeous stamps, using some of them as a garden theame for dear Jane! It is fantastic with the unpainted stamps, and those green and red ,little adds to flowers in front and on the background! So beautiful with the vintage glass glitter you used, and the feeling of resting there with some wonderful books, are totally there, when seing this amazing canvas.
    Dorthe, xx


  3. Suzi B
    Jul 23, 2013 @ 18:35:23

    Oh my gosh! this is breathtaking! so beautiful.
    Suzi B xx


  4. may
    Jul 23, 2013 @ 18:48:57

    Gorgeous work Lynne, Love the scene & those stamps are amazing.. Simply Beautiful… Hugs May x x x


  5. Avril
    Jul 23, 2013 @ 19:44:34

    This is a beautiful scene Lynne, Love the pretty papers you’ve stamped on.
    Avril xx


  6. Chris
    Jul 23, 2013 @ 21:24:31

    Oh my goodness, Lynne, this is stunning. I love all the detail you’ve created with the stamps. I think I’ll have to add this set to my wishlist.

    Chris xx


  7. tracy745
    Jul 23, 2013 @ 22:28:30

    A beautiful piece Lynne, the imagery is gorgeous especially in this muted colour palette. Great design too, Tracy Evans x x


  8. Yvonne G
    Jul 24, 2013 @ 03:16:15

    I saw this set yesterday when looking foe the name of the plate you are giving away! You have done a fabulous job with the set. I love the sentiment! Hope you are doing better. Best, Yvonne


  9. valerie-Jael
    Jul 24, 2013 @ 07:51:29

    Wonderful piece, love those stamps, too! Still too hot to stroll anywhere here! Valerie


  10. astrid51
    Jul 24, 2013 @ 08:06:10

    Stunning canvas, those stamps look amazing and I just love how you have kept them “pure” by stamping them on paper rather than colouring them. Beautiful layering of the images too, a really gorgeous make!!


  11. barnie
    Jul 24, 2013 @ 08:49:57

    Wow, that’s amazing – I’m missing words, such a wonderful project.


  12. Sophie
    Jul 24, 2013 @ 08:51:05

    Wow, Lynne,
    das ist eine atemberaubend, umwerfend schöne Arbeit.
    Da fehlen mir weitere Worte…

    Umarmung und liebe Grüße von Sophie xx


  13. craftytrog
    Jul 24, 2013 @ 11:20:47

    A beautiful little scene Lynne! xx


  14. Dianne
    Jul 24, 2013 @ 12:29:45

    WOW Miss Lynn this is OUTSTANDING piece of art, you have showcased those stamps to perfection, all that stamping then cutting them out add in all that dimension wow it’s a stunning canvas love the books, well I love it all really thanks so much for sharing all of your amazing creativity…. Big hugs to you..


  15. 1cardcreator
    Jul 24, 2013 @ 12:32:15

    This is gorgeous! ~Diane


  16. gio
    Jul 24, 2013 @ 12:37:29

    I love love Jane Austen ( I just read Austenland, very nice ) and your piece and this wonderful plate are the best tribute! Such lovely details, the books, the quote, the dress…pure delight!


  17. nicecrane
    Jul 24, 2013 @ 12:58:40

    Absolutely a Play of Art my friend,,,,you are really s talentend you must be in my Team,,,,, I am sure of it………….I am curious about Jane Austen illustrators,,,so i am going to look for them,,,,,,,,,,You inspired me,,,,,,,,,,,Horayyyyyy.


  18. Coconut
    Jul 24, 2013 @ 14:18:37

    This is fabulous Lynne, I love the whole decor on this wonderful canvas !! Great inspiration !!! Coco x


  19. Terry
    Jul 24, 2013 @ 15:41:40

    GORGEOUS! Love the way you used the reverse side of the canvas, which makes such a wonderful frame! Fabulous images and colors! Hugs!


  20. Lynn Stevens
    Jul 25, 2013 @ 03:08:45

    Lyyn , Such a stunning card with the new stamp line. Bravo!!!
    Hugs Lynn


  21. Lynn Stevens
    Jul 25, 2013 @ 03:09:27

    Well you would think I could spell my own name. LOL
    That was Lynne of course. hahahahahaha


  22. Sharon
    Jul 25, 2013 @ 03:53:53

    OMG absolutely amazing!!!


  23. MarieS.
    Jul 25, 2013 @ 08:11:21

    You worked your magic with the stamps,Lynne.Absolutely beautiful.
    Have a great day.


  24. sugarlumpstudios
    Jul 25, 2013 @ 11:31:15

    This is such a beautiful piece Lynne! Hope you are not suffering with the heat over there? Happy Thursday!


  25. Hazel H
    Jul 25, 2013 @ 13:24:45

    This is so beautiful Lynne, the images and colours are lovely.
    xxx Hazel.


  26. Shelly Schmidt
    Jul 25, 2013 @ 18:02:18

    Wonderful! I have to admit, I do not think I have ever seen a canvas used in this way- but it is so awesome!!! Beautiful scene you have created!


  27. PetraB
    Jul 25, 2013 @ 18:35:51

    This is so beautiful! You made brilliant use of the canvas.


  28. Lynn Fox
    Jul 25, 2013 @ 22:32:21

    Brilliant work!!!


  29. Kate
    Jul 26, 2013 @ 01:05:59

    Wow! So much detail! Its an amazing piece of art! I love the coloring and layering, Lynne.


  30. Ira Huberts
    Jul 26, 2013 @ 12:23:09

    Oh my goodness Lynne! You know how much I love anything remotely to do with Jane Austen and this is truly an exceptionally beautiful piece! Such intricate details, lovely colours and most wonderfully designed, I’m enthralled!


  31. butterfly
    Jul 27, 2013 @ 10:01:52

    Enchanting – what a wonderful idea to stamp onto that subtly tinted paper. Absolutely wonderful depth and dimension too; outstanding!
    Alison x


  32. Wendy
    Jul 29, 2013 @ 08:25:22

    Ohhh, I love this one! Especially with the stamping on that soft and delicate pattern paper. Such a gorgeous storytelling piece with beautiful stamps, well chosen and placed into a wonderful composition. Gorgeous gorgeous! Hugs xx


  33. Bärbel
    Jul 29, 2013 @ 19:06:50

    Das ist so ein zauberhaft gestaltetes Projekt, liebe Lynne. Die Umrahmung mit den Blüten und Schmetterlingen sowie den Büchern ist absolut genial, ich bin ganz begeistert!


  34. nefertiti
    Aug 04, 2013 @ 17:18:25

    Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!a true marvel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bisous


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