Locked Heart

Hello Everyone
This Sunday, for That’s Crafty, I am sharing something I made earlier this year for a friend, featuring one of the beautiful hearts from the Prima Relics and Artifacts range, which I just ever so slightly have a bit of a weakness for!blogIf you are interested, the post can be viewed HERE.
Thank you for your time today.

8 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Anne R
    Jul 17, 2016 @ 09:00:13

    I went over to see the ‘how to’ and love how you added the book page and resin to the recess and also how you ‘aged’ the outside of the heart, it is really beautiful with the addition of the lace too…. Hugs, Anne xx


  2. Annie Gilmour
    Jul 17, 2016 @ 10:47:56

    Hi Lynne x As you know I absolutely love this stunning necklace with the most fabulous and intricate details that are even nicer in real life. I am so fortunate to be the friend of such a talented crafter who made me this beautiful treasured keepsake that I can wear on special occasions.

    Huge hugs
    Annie xx


  3. thecobweboriumemporium
    Jul 17, 2016 @ 14:38:45

    A truly beautiful gift! Congratulations on a marvellous make Lynne. You’re such an incredible inspiration. Have you ever thought of teaching classes in crafting? I think the classes would be incredibly popular.
    Sending squishes ~ Cobs. x


  4. Dorthe Hansen
    Jul 17, 2016 @ 15:55:35

    Hello dear, it is so beautiful, – a very special necklace, made with gorgeous details, and lovely tones painted over the stamped weeds. You created the door to open up, for summers beautiful meadows, and fields, no wonder Annie loved her gift.
    Dorthe, xx


  5. butterfly
    Jul 17, 2016 @ 16:25:58

    Another glorious creation, Lynne – such beautiful work with the ice resin and relics.
    Alison x


  6. gonerustic
    Jul 18, 2016 @ 03:05:59

    A lovely gift 😊


  7. Gerrina
    Jul 18, 2016 @ 09:22:02

    This one looks as if it is a work of nature! Love all the natural lines and the soft colours! Hope you have planned a fun week!


  8. Jackie P Neal
    Sep 16, 2016 @ 12:37:14

    Oh Lynne, I just went over to have a look at your pendant- so very beautiful! What a lucky receiver of such a gift! xo


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