Celebrate The Earth (3D Challenge Craft Stamper)

I thought it was time to share some old but new projects… old as in made months, possible a year or two ago but new, as in not shared, other than published.
When I received a small zinc bucket to alter for Craft Stamper’s 3D Challenge (July 2018), I knew I didn’t want to simply alter the surface of the bucket, I wanted the project to be “more”.
The bucket made my mind automatically turn towards the garden which took me on a journey through my gorgeous collection of Character Constructions stamps.  Knowing that some of the stamps have a whimsical style to them, it helped me along with the vignette that started to take hold in my head, of flowers popping out of the bucket but with it being Character Constructions stamps, the flowers would have a slight twist! Instead of pretty flower heads, we have ladies!  The stamps are incredible in their detail and when fussy cutting, they are quite delicate in some areas.  To keep with the natural, earthy feel I was aiming for, I broke twigs to adhere the stamped images to, including the stamped flowers and butterflies, all managing to be propped into the bucket amongst the moss.This photo shows the twigs and also the texture I managed to build up to alter the zinc bucket, wanting an aged effect as though it has been out in a garden for an age, becoming weathered by the elements and time.  It rests upon a vintage tart tin (I write about how I rusted the tart tin within the 3D Challenge)

I adore this stamp which is also Character Constructions.
My project is a way to celebrate the earth both in the style of the project but also the materials I worked with, this sentiment is stamped onto cardboard paper which is something I love making not only for the amazing surface it provides but also as a way to be kind to the environment.Looking down on the assemblage which was propped upon a wood slice, altered slightly to allow it to co-ordinate.It is fascinating to look at the 3D Challenge, to view how everyone has their own interpretation of working with the item supplied by Trish Latimer.