Many Things Grow: An Art Shrine @ That’s Crafty!


Sunday once more, signaling my turn to share a project over at the That’s Crafty! Blog.

This week you see me working with one of their MDF Art Shrines which have been a favourite of mine since they started to produce them, the house style being a particular favourite. For this shrine I incorporated some bits and pieces including a dried poppy seed head.

All details of the project can be viewed HERE.

Many Thanks for your visit.



Courage @ That’s Crafty!

Sunday once again and I can be seen sharing my latest D.T. project over at the That’s Crafty! Blog.
This is just a peek at the project but you can possibly guess that it is an Art Shrine.If you would like to view the project, then please visit HERE.
I will also be sharing a wee video on my social media.
Thank you for your visit.

The Sea of Life @ That’s Crafty!

My latest project over at the That’s Crafty! Blog has me working with one of their MDF Art Shrines.  They were an instant favourite of mine from when they were released but it has been some time since I played with one, long overdue time!
As always, all details for this project including supplies and steps, can be seen HERE.
Thank you for visiting.

Learning to Fly (Somerset Studio)

I am winding back the clock to the Sept/Oct 2018 issue of Somerset Studio, when at that time, I had the lovely surprise, of this submission, featured as a Spotlight.
I remember at the time, the inspiration for this project and another which I am sharing in this post, were the fabulous Greyboard Wings from That’s Crafty and their Art Shrines. With beautiful image of a young woman from Red Lead, I had the possibility of giving her wings, outsized wings which would enable me to attach chain, suspended from a tree branch.Although there is a strong nature element to this hanging shrine, it is also an Affirmation.  The shrine is trying to convey the spirit of a person, most especially when that person doesn’t see what is actually within them, almost blind to their own spirit and what they are capable of.PaperArtsy Frescos enabled me to bring a speckled appearance to the RELICS & ARTIFACTS Imperial Egg, nestling inside the Art Shrine. 
The twin to this shrine, has the message of “Fly, Soar”, almost saying to the young woman from the first shrine, you have the spirit with you, this is now time for you to fly, for you to soar.  The light catching the wing.At the time of working on the shrines, I was not conscious until setting them side by side, viewing them as twins, possibly a subconscious nod to Gemini.  Side by side, they could be viewed that it is one side of the personality, nudging the other side, supporting it, shoring it up to say you are able to achieve anything, believe in yourself.
Thank you always for the visits you make to my Blog.

These Wings: An Art Shrine @ That’s Crafty!

I return because I have today’s project, over at the That’s Crafty blog where I had some play time with one of their Art Shrines.  As I write in my post there, I might not play with an Art Shrine for a wee while but I always return to them.  The fact that they are available in a variety of designs and sizes, means there is so much scope when working with them.
This is only a peek. For the complete project, please visit HERE.

At Home With Nature

As part of the That’s Crafty D.T., we were provided with the fabulous MDF Art House Shrine, each of us altering it any which way, with our finished house shrines appearing as a 3D Challenge in Craft Stamper magazine.  They appeared in the March issue so I thought I would now share my house, which has a theme of nature.
It is always special to be part of a collective, showing the diversity of a team but also the versatility of the product, namely this time the art shrine.

I shared a video of the project over at FB, for some reason, my Blog will not allow me to upload the video here but it can be viewed at my facebook page.  The video showing different angles of the house shrine, including stencilled side panels, etc.
Thank you always for your visit.


Secrets on Wings – An Art Shrine

Sunday rolls around once more and today, I am sharing a project which features in Somerset Studio Gallery (Winter), with permission of Laura to share it over at the That’s Crafty Blog.
The full project and details can be viewed, HERE.
Have a lovely Sunday, whatever your plans are for the day.

The Ancient Woods

Today, over at the That’s Crafty blog, I found myself taking a gentle walk into The Ancient Woods where I stumbled across a cottage, where a Wise Woman spoke to me of her friends from nature who while away the hours of the day with her.
The complete project, this is only a peek, can be seen HERE
Hope you are having a lovely Sunday.

These Wings Belong To Me

On Friday, amongst many new releases from That’s Crafty on HOCHANDA, four new Lynne’s Affirmations stamp sets were released.  For my That’s Crafty D.T. post, I am sharing one of the samples I made for HOCHANDA. The sentiment on this project is from one of my latest Affirmation stamp sets.
If you would like to view the complete project along with instructions, then please visit HERE.

Growing Up

My regular spot over on the That’s Crafty blog today, this is the sneaky peek of it . blogiimagelynnemoncrieff
if you would like to view the full project and the story behind it, then please, visit HERE.
Thank you for your visit today, enjoy your day.